Sunday, July 8, 2007

Dollar Bill Origami Tshirt

Step 1: Find a bill that is in somewhat decent shape. The more crisp, the better.

Dollar Bill Origami Tshirt

Step 2: Fold it in half to make a nice center crease. You'll unfold it after this to go on to the next step.

Dollar Bill Origami Tshirt

Step 3: Fold each half of the bill to the center crease you made in the prior step.

Dollar Bill Origami Tshirt

Step 4: With the folded halves facing you, fold the top unprinted portion of the bill to the back. This will later become the collar of the shirt.

Dollar Bill Origami Tshirt

Dollar Bill Origami Tshirt

Step 5: With the folded halves side of the bill facing you, bend a flap down on each side as shown. Just think shirt collar when you do this step. Make sure the top edge of the collar does not extend past the center of the bill.

Dollar Bill Origami Tshirt

Dollar Bill Origami Tshirt

Step 6: Fold up approximately the bottom 1/3 of the bill. This is to make a crease as a guideline for the following step. After making the crease, you can unfold the bill back to it's original position.

Dollar Bill Origami Tshirt

Step 7: This is the trickiest step to master and certainly the most difficult to explain. At the point of the crease on the folded portion of the bill, basically you want to unfold this and extend it all the way out. You will then want to fold the bill portion you just unfolded at the crease so that it eventually folds back to the center. The pictures should explain this concept a bit more clearly.

Dollar Bill Origami Tshirt

Dollar Bill Origami Tshirt

Step 8: Fold the 1/3 of the bill along the crease. You may need to work the sleeves just a little bit to get them to set just right.

Dollar Bill Origami Tshirt

Step 9: Take that portion you just folded, and fold it one more time, tucking it underneat the collar. Shazaam! You have an incredible origami shirt!

Dollar Bill Origami Tshirt

Learn how to make an origami t shirt out of a dollar bill. You rich folks out there may also use a hundred if you so desire.

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